
Showing posts from March, 2018

"The language of friendship is not words..."

Sometimes I sense that I need close friends around me who speak my mother tongue to really connect allowing my words to speak passionately and emotionally, in freedom from the heart (with exact precision and grammar 😅)... but then I think of my beautiful friendship with my Austrian friend, Julie- and we only ever speak German together. And she just totally gets me!! 😍👭💖👌 Another heart that connects so naturally and understands so well (sometimes me better than me myself 😂 Despite my occasional language errors...). So I guess Henry David Thoreau was right when he said, "The language of friendship is not words but meanings. It is an intelligence above language" (1849). Twas such a blessing to see this lovely friend again yesterday and have a good chat and catch-up! ♡ (Professional photos; photo credit: Bekki Hoffman Fotografie)

Coffee, preparation & blogger dreams...

Dear Blog, I'm tired. But I'm enjoying what I'm doing! Dear God, I'm tired. But I'm enjoying what I'm doing! And what you've given me to do. <3 I'm thankful for the Kaffee and the cool location before me. Thank you for the gift of writing- to help us let go of thoughts and inspire others. Oh how they flounce! Help me wieder zu bounce! Strength, power, wisdom and provision are yours! To you be the glory. Thank you for coffee today. Amen. So many adventures and thoughts stand before me- what a journey! :) More coming soon... With love <3 #thereality #inYourtimethereisrest P.S. I'm writing with my fairly new German keyboard and it took me forever to locate my beloved hashtag! Haha. *Peace & Love*