Push to Reset the World: a Solo Day Trip to Traunsee

Reset button. *pressed* My local pedestrian crossing contains the sticker, as pictured: “PUSH TO RESET THE WORLD”. The first time I saw it, it really made me smile, especially after pressing the button to cross the world… I mean road! ;) Then corona and lockdown happened, and upon noticing this sticker again, I thought, wow, no truer statement…! We can do what we can do, social distancing, following government guidelines, measures etc… But what do we do with the world inside us, when it’s struggling. When your “new normal” is constantly changing and you need to press that reset button continuously. It’s a good thing to think about what helps our souls be well. What do we need? What is helpful right now, within our limitations? Each summer, I usually spend a few weeks back in the motherland, the UK: resting, recuperating from the end of another academic year (I work in a school), seeing family and enjoying the relief of cooler weather and the sea air. We decided conjoi...