
Hope (in the year 2021/22)

I’ve been thinking a lot about ‘hope’ recently… ‘Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see. (Hebrews 11:1 NLT)                During the days of the turn of the New Year, it’s become a tradition for myself, and several uni friends, to get together and go away somewhere for a few days; whether it be Norfolk, Vienna, Edinburgh, Lincoln usw… but this year, only a few of the crew were able to make it in the end, but we still connected via Zoom on New Year’s eve to still “gather” and have a little catch-up. Of course, reflections on the current pandemic came into conversation and at one point someone mentioned the word, “hope”. One friend retorted, “I don’t know if I like/trust the word ‘hope’ anymore!’ Off the cuff, I found myself saying, “Well it depends what you put your hope in doesn’t it…” We all took a moment to ponder this thought. ‘Hope anchors the soul…’ (Hebrews 6:19). We are not living in a...

Push to Reset the World: a Solo Day Trip to Traunsee

  Reset button. *pressed* My local pedestrian crossing contains the sticker, as pictured: “PUSH TO RESET THE WORLD”. The first time I saw it, it really made me smile, especially after pressing the button to cross the world… I mean road! ;) Then corona and lockdown happened, and upon noticing this sticker again, I thought, wow, no truer statement…! We can do what we can do, social distancing, following government guidelines, measures etc… But what do we do with the world inside us, when it’s struggling. When your “new normal” is constantly changing and you need to press that reset button continuously.  It’s a good thing to think about what helps our souls be well. What do we need? What is helpful right now, within our limitations? Each summer, I usually spend a few weeks back in the motherland, the UK: resting, recuperating from the end of another academic year (I work in a school), seeing family and enjoying the relief of cooler weather and the sea air.  We decided conjoi...

A Garden of Beautiful Thoughts... (ENFP-A)

A garden of thoughts, dispersed through flowers, that grow and reflect the glory of the sun... They take in the nutrients of the living water, the Son-shine via their leaves, and the foundational soil as a place for their anchoring roots... A garden of beautiful thoughts, the flowers, the plants, where to be planted? In the shade or in the sun? In the space, or close to others? Stand-alone or mixed in... Thoughts planted. - In the tub of a whatsapp group? - Or lieber* (preferably) over coffee with a friend? - In the crowds of a Facebook feed? - Within the picturesque Instagram or a tiny, tight ten-second story slot? - Or perhaps in the stillness of a blospot? - In the dynamic accessibility of Youtube? - On stage, or from the pulpit? - The dreamy TedTalk place, with waves of applause... - Or like rain drops landing on the stranger passing by... - Or maybe the pages of a book; - Maybe first a journal. That intimate place with you and the trinity. Behind closed door...

New Year: resolving

*Slurps a huge mug of tea and pauses in comfort from the "hug in a mug"* January. If I'm being honest, my head is currently talking to me in Denglish (Deutsch & English), so the caffeine should help the focus kick in! ;) It's also a Wednesday: "hump day" as I've heard the term affectionately coined, and so I'm sure I'm not the only one running on tea & grace! ;) No? Oder? :) Focus. This word I feel I need to take this year and run with it! Digging deeper into all what God has in store for me in 2019. I have a couple of New Year's resolutions...  How about you? On the 1st January, the anticipation of the new year struck in the hearts & minds of many of us, with a whole fresh 2019 year ahead of us, opening up in window for us to dream again. Time to look forth at our plans and things we have set-out before us, and perhaps goals we hope to achieve...  A conversation that day brought me to reflection, with someone commentin...

"The language of friendship is not words..."

Sometimes I sense that I need close friends around me who speak my mother tongue to really connect allowing my words to speak passionately and emotionally, in freedom from the heart (with exact precision and grammar 😅)... but then I think of my beautiful friendship with my Austrian friend, Julie- and we only ever speak German together. And she just totally gets me!! 😍👭💖👌 Another heart that connects so naturally and understands so well (sometimes me better than me myself 😂 Despite my occasional language errors...). So I guess Henry David Thoreau was right when he said, "The language of friendship is not words but meanings. It is an intelligence above language" (1849). Twas such a blessing to see this lovely friend again yesterday and have a good chat and catch-up! ♡ (Professional photos; photo credit: Bekki Hoffman Fotografie)

Coffee, preparation & blogger dreams...

Dear Blog, I'm tired. But I'm enjoying what I'm doing! Dear God, I'm tired. But I'm enjoying what I'm doing! And what you've given me to do. <3 I'm thankful for the Kaffee and the cool location before me. Thank you for the gift of writing- to help us let go of thoughts and inspire others. Oh how they flounce! Help me wieder zu bounce! Strength, power, wisdom and provision are yours! To you be the glory. Thank you for coffee today. Amen. So many adventures and thoughts stand before me- what a journey! :) More coming soon... With love <3 #thereality #inYourtimethereisrest P.S. I'm writing with my fairly new German keyboard and it took me forever to locate my beloved hashtag! Haha. *Peace & Love*