Hope (in the year 2021/22)
I’ve been thinking a lot about ‘hope’ recently… ‘Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see. (Hebrews 11:1 NLT) During the days of the turn of the New Year, it’s become a tradition for myself, and several uni friends, to get together and go away somewhere for a few days; whether it be Norfolk, Vienna, Edinburgh, Lincoln usw… but this year, only a few of the crew were able to make it in the end, but we still connected via Zoom on New Year’s eve to still “gather” and have a little catch-up. Of course, reflections on the current pandemic came into conversation and at one point someone mentioned the word, “hope”. One friend retorted, “I don’t know if I like/trust the word ‘hope’ anymore!’ Off the cuff, I found myself saying, “Well it depends what you put your hope in doesn’t it…” We all took a moment to ponder this thought. ‘Hope anchors the soul…’ (Hebrews 6:19). We are not living in a...