Hope (in the year 2021/22)

I’ve been thinking a lot about ‘hope’ recently…

‘Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.

(Hebrews 11:1 NLT)

            During the days of the turn of the New Year, it’s become a tradition for myself, and several uni friends, to get together and go away somewhere for a few days; whether it be Norfolk, Vienna, Edinburgh, Lincoln usw… but this year, only a few of the crew were able to make it in the end, but we still connected via Zoom on New Year’s eve to still “gather” and have a little catch-up. Of course, reflections on the current pandemic came into conversation and at one point someone mentioned the word, “hope”.

One friend retorted, “I don’t know if I like/trust the word ‘hope’ anymore!’

Off the cuff, I found myself saying, “Well it depends what you put your hope in doesn’t it…”

We all took a moment to ponder this thought.

‘Hope anchors the soul…’ (Hebrews 6:19).

We are not living in a “stable world” sometimes, it feels like everything around us is shaking.

        Side note:- I had prepared a devotional for my fellow staff at school on the topic: ‘Uplifted: when everything around us is shaking’- God had given me the following picture, and I’d found many bible passages to accompany this vision and read them over us. The crazy thing is, or one of them, is… that the day I was due to lead that devotion, the night before, my precious father had passed away and my heart was broken. I edited the last sentence, taking away ‘“absolutely” broken’ because Jesus showed up and ministered to me in the most beautiful way that night so that I could sleep and my soul was not in bits. He showed me an image of my dad with Jesus- his saviour, closest friend, now at peace and in glory- Jesus with his arm around my dad’s shoulder and joy…

‘The hope of glory’ (Colossians 1:27).

Although it was reiterated to me that, ‘Elaine, please don’t feel like you have to do the devotion still, please do what you need to do’ so kindly from fellow colleagues, it was still very much on my heart to share the message that the Holy Spirit had given me for my fellow staff. By the grace of God (despite a moment of tears in the introduction), I was able to share the powerful word God had put on my heart.

Hope. Uplifted.

Hope and trust, that the words land like they’re supposed to…

Lord have your way, with us. 

But what do you do when you have dreams, desires, wishes, “hopes” that you’ve hoped in,

but they come back empty, void, dead ends, disappointment, heartbreak, hurt, rejection, disillusionment, doubt, questioning…

What does one do?

Are we even taking the time to acknowledge that our souls have been faced with these things? Have experienced these things? Taken root of these things? Dealt with these things? Or simply swept them away into a dusty corner, subconsciously floating around in us…

‘Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life’. (Proverbs 13:12)

How true is that! Just me?! I don’t believe so, as it’s confirmed in the book of wisdom (the book of Proverbs) in the bible, written by King Solomon, one of the wisest people to have ever lived. It’s a real phenomenon that we’re experiencing. How much more through the pandemic, where the loss has been great, in the big and the small…

‘Guard your heart, because from it flows the springs of life.’ (Proverbs 4:23).

How do we water the tree of life? Partly in the beginning, by assessing our hearts, and I’d say our souls too.

Where are we anchored?

What are we anchored to?

Are we experiencing ‘Life’? Or are we lost on the road of death and darkness.

Draw close to our heavenly Father, for ‘...unto whom all hearts be open, all desires known, and from whom no Secrets are hid’ (Church of England, The 1662 Book of Common Prayer).

He created you, and he cares for you, he cares for what is burdening your heart and his desire is that ‘it is well with your soul’.

Somehow, through His heavenly grace and strength, we can experience supernatural joy and peace- a peace that this world cannot give (John 14:27) and one that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7), one that goes beyond the state of the circumstances.

Draw close to Him (Jesus) and lean into him.

‘You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies, you honour me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.’ (Psalm 23:5)

Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life...’ (Psalm 23:6a)

When our worlds are shaking, still, somehow in the valley, in the canyon, ‘He leads us beside still waters’ (Psalm 23:2) and let’s us rest. Our souls, our hearts, our minds come to rest. 

Sometimes with our bodies, we have to make room for that…

Distractions (phone, social media, people, TV…) put away for a set time, sit down a while, in a quiet spot, take a pen and paper to note what you receive and spend time talking and listening to the Father. That is what I have done today, I can’t tell you how much good it has done for my soul. So much space cleared out in my mind, void of interruptions and a clearer channel to connect with my Father God.

I recently read a prophetic word from Nate and Christy Johnston (https://nateandchristy.co/i-heard-in-my-spirit-its-time-to-dust-off-your-feet-a-word-of-closure-leaving-the-battlefield-of-the-season/) that they received just before the turn of the year. One section that stood out for me was the following…

‘“What am I carrying that I need to leave behind?” I ask myself. 

Then I begin to hear the judgments and labels I had been carrying from other people. I see the faces of those who have hurt me, the dark and painful moments I didn’t understand, and the hope deferred wrapped around me like a counterfeit mantle. I had seconds left until the train passed and I knew I needed to make peace with behind me, but it felt like a mountain, a roadblock, and a big bag of weight I didn’t know how to get through in time. 


Then I see it. I see Him. Through the tinted glass of the train I see on the other-side a man staring INTO me as if He knew the wrestle I was in. I stared back awkwardly and kept looking away, looked back, then away, then eventually locked eyes with Him. I knew who He was and He wanted me to know it was ok. He wanted me to know I could forgive them, the accusers, the season, and say goodbye to the path behind me. So in those split seconds I did exactly that. 

Whewww what a weight off my shoulders! The train and now passed and we all crossed over and I stopped at the beginning of this new and unknown path but somehow I didn’t feel what I felt before. I didn’t feel like I had been dealt a bad hand. It felt fresh. I felt fresh. I was now ready to move on and embrace the new whatever that looked like. I didn’t need to look behind anymore. I didn’t need to prove myself or anyone wrong and I didn't need to justify my steps. Something was different.’ 

Sometimes our souls need to acknowledge that which has been, let that rise to the surface, and let Jesus heal it through the work of his Holy Spirit.

There are some things we are chasing, but we’re held back because of the brokenness of the past… let the Father set us free and heal those wounds, like only He can, so we can be living out the fullness of life, not held back from the hurts of the past, that may bring a rise to fear inside of us. Holy Spirit, come.

I pray this year is one where we’re living more out of the fullness of God. Where we know more of who He is for us, how he is with us, truly with us- Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and the ways this unique community of One God (in 3 persons) Himself, is there to: help us, restore us, ignite our passions, heal our hurts, repair our rejection, give us new pathways of thinking, and give us eyes to see him, to see where He is, where He is working in us (and give him thanks and praise) and where He’s saying, “Hey friend, come follow, I’m over here, this way…” 

May we plant seeds, water them and see hopes filled, desires satisfied and growth of the tree of life, as we seek ‘LIFE’ to be planted within us and around us.

A blessing that Paul spoke: 

I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

(Romans 15:13 NLT)

To God be the glory.

Love & God bless,


Recommended worship songs:

Canyon- Ellie Holcomb

Stronger- Ellie Holcomb

Run to the Father- Cody Carnes

There is a Hope So Sure- Graham Kendrick

My Hope is Built/Solid Rock- Norton Hall Band

Trenches- Tauren Wells

A cool Instagram reflection post on 'Hope' from @Charaiacallabrass




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