New Year: resolving

*Slurps a huge mug of tea and pauses in comfort from the "hug in a mug"*


If I'm being honest, my head is currently talking to me in Denglish (Deutsch & English), so the caffeine should help the focus kick in! ;) It's also a Wednesday: "hump day" as I've heard the term affectionately coined, and so I'm sure I'm not the only one running on tea & grace! ;) No? Oder? :)

This word I feel I need to take this year and run with it! Digging deeper into all what God has in store for me in 2019. I have a couple of New Year's resolutions... 
How about you?

On the 1st January, the anticipation of the new year struck in the hearts & minds of many of us, with a whole fresh 2019 year ahead of us, opening up in window for us to dream again. Time to look forth at our plans and things we have set-out before us, and perhaps goals we hope to achieve... 
A conversation that day brought me to reflection, with someone commenting on the fact that they don't like to make resolutions but rather have "observances of things in their life they wish to change or adjust". A fascinating reflection of carefully chosen words.

I think sometimes, we put ourselves under pressure to keep resolutions and when (like, most of us) we inevitably break them, and as a consequence we can end up feeling like a failure.  That's it- line crossed, resolution broken, big red cross. (Add in the sound of Family Fortunes gameshow "ihh-errr" buzzer here for your pleasure).
     But what if we chose to see these failures simply as waves (created by troughs and peaks) on the graph to improvement? A sustainable change combines highs and lows as part of it's journey, as the line of the graph seeks to grow diagonally upwards in direction, despite any wiggles. I think we do ourselves an injustice, when we don't allow ourselves to make mistakes. Something I've been learning over the last 7 years or so, is that making mistakes is part of growth and also an inevitable part of the journey. They also strengthen us as we learn to overcome, and again climb over or move obstacles in our way, each time improving our muscle strength. Too often we probably let shame or perfectionism try to debilitate us... yet failure can act as a springboard onto the next thing, if we chose to learn from it, accept it and use it to our advantage.  
I love this promise of God in the bible:

'And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.' (Romans 8:28)

That means the good and the bad, in this context perhaps- our successes and failures, can all work together for our good, with the Lord's help and grace.

A few verses later, in the same chapter, I love how Paul let's this resonate again, like an echo:

37 'No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.' 

Beautiful. The assurance of His love in all things makes me feel steadfast in my pursuits. 


9 'Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.'  (Galatians 6:9)

Hey friends, I wanna encourage you: let's not give up seeking to bring about change that will do us and those around us good! Let's support each other in investing in these positive lifestyle changes/goals. 

You may have guessed: one of my resolutions is to spend time writing in this blog of mine...
I have often have so many thoughts and reflections,  but when they just stay in my own mind, it's seems somehow a pity,  especially as I sense some are divinely inspired and downloaded... and although I've been able to share these thoughts in small ways through conversations with peeps, the call to let it radiate on the blogspot again and to dedicate time there is one which I've been sensing pulling on my heart. 

When it comes to change though, we often do well to have accountability and support as part of the process and establishment of these new habits. Encouragement (like engaging in the comments) or a poke (when say I've been missing on here for over a month), I officially give you permission to do! 
I'm going to have to put into practice showing dedication to finding the time to accomplish this desire... I've come to realise that I'm quite the on-the-go person and am drawn first of all towards those actions that involve going outside, are people-orientated and are more "active". But there's also this depth of thoughts and  expression of words overflowing in my soul that I gotta steward and harvest! :) 
Disclaimer: I will probably make mistakes and these blogs won't be error free, sorry boss ;) but I've come to view those things as a valid part of every true adventure. Perfectionism laid to the side, I will run the race. :) 

So let's go! Let's go with focus, and grace (and maybe a cup of tea at hand, in the understanding that it 'tis the mid-winter season!).

With love, grace, hope and aspirations,



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