Herzlich Wilkommen: a warm welcome to you!

Herzlich Wilkommen ♡

Hope this blog finds you well and keeping warm. It's Sonntag here in Vienna, the day of rest. I love the idea (the Creator's idea Himself) to take time to rest. A real rest. Be still. Be still my heart and know.

You might be wondering why, now, I'm starting a blog entitled 'Elaine's Austrian Adventure' when it's not like I've just moved here! In fact, happily, I celebrated my 5 year anniversary just a couple of weeks back. Several times I've thought about starting a blog, having a fun place to share cultural discoveries I make and share my thoughts. For many years now, I've enjoyed writing my prayer newsletters, which some you reading this may have received.
But anyhow, this lent I feel inspired to finally start a blog, create a space of encouragement and beautiful thoughts. Time to dig a bit deeper. So we'll see how this goes. This year, whilst still living in the beautiful city of Vienna, I decided to take a part-time job, so that he other half of my time can be spent serving in different ways within my church here. I also felt the challenge to use this time to study, read and write. I feel like I'm stepping into a new season in 2018. I feel God's put it on my heart to steward his word and to plough the words he puts into my heart as we do this thing called life together. So I guess this blog is part of that friends. I hope it will be a place of peace and encouragement, like a well, quenching our souls. As I trust the Father to use my words and weave them into something beautiful, something that can inspire you (whether you'd say you're a Christian or not, it doesn't matter), I pray the Holy Spirit can retank your spirit and soul. So here goes...


  1. Lovely to read and I look forward to reading many more posts.


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